Photo upgrades and references.

Several weeks ago I posted an analysis of vacant residential lots as evidenced by the one surviving component: the cement stairways leading up to the former front porch. I included several photos of vacant lots in New Orleans post-Katrina which I remarked at the time were not accurately representing the city's Lakeview neighborhood. Since then, I have received some excellent photographs from New Orleanian Michael Duplantier, who has allowed me to replace the inaccurate images with some very contemporary ones, showing the smattering of vacant lots after the storm, including some claimed by next door neighbors who did decide to return. Michael Duplantier also runs his own new blog--very worthwhile musings on the health care affordability crisis from the perspective of a Masters in Public Health student.

In addition, a fellow blogger pointed me out to a post that very effectively parallels many of my own thoughts on Martin Luther King corridors posted yesterday: the Urbanophile's essay on a New Vision for Black Indianapolis. I'm pretty certain his essay pre-dates the condominiums I observed along the Indianapolis Martin Luther King Street, but his observations are thoughtful and relevant to understanding the role memorial streets after the civil rights leader have played--as well as the role they should play. A very worthwhile read.