Oiling the gears.

I've received several notifications from people that some of my posts have had a series technical glitches. None of these have been apparent to me as a Firefox user, but apparently those who use Internet Explorer have found problems with missing text and misplaced sidebars. I believe I have corrected those errors, particularly with the post on a sign at the Louisville waterfront, but I certainly appreciate anyone notifying me if there are additional problems, particularly if there are other legibility issues with other browsers such as Safari. Feel free to write me at dirtamericana@gmail.com--I'm actually checking pretty regularly these days.

In future weeks I also hope to have the page linked to a reliable RSS feed and blogroll. I am slowly working on improvements to the appearance as well. Bear with me: I'm still new to the blogosphere and did not participate in blogs regularly up to this point.

In addition, I have improved the photos on yesterday's post on strange perimeter fencing. Those previous pics really were awful.

As always, comments, praise, criticism, and ideas for future topics are appreciated!
